This blog documented Michelle McDonough's healing journey as she recovered from Cholangiocarcinoma, or Bile Duct cancer. Michelle was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in December 2008 and passed away on July 6, 2010. This page remains as a memorial to the strength and courage of this amazing woman.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friends are Gifts

This week was my week off of chemo. On Tuesday, September 1st, we go back and see Dr. Marschke, the oncologist. I don't anticipate any big changes to the routine. I am still doing well, but continue to be on oxygen, which can be frustrating sometimes.

I was blessed with 2 visits from friends these past 2 weeks. A week ago Friday, Brenda came over and we had a nice visit over some pink lemonade. Suzanne came over on Wednesday this week. We had little single serving hagen-daz ice cream cups. It was quite a treat. I enjoyed visiting with both Brenda and Suzanne. I also got to catch up with my friend Cindi yesterday as she gave me a massage. No ice cream, but it was still a treat. It is awe inspiring when friends take time out of their busy schedule to call up or e-mail and say when can I come over. Friends are also those to pick up the phone to catch up or send a newsy e-mail on what is happening at work. It can be lonely sometimes, so I am grateful to everybody that can take that extra couple of minutes.

God Bless all of our friends. Have a peace filled week.

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