This blog documented Michelle McDonough's healing journey as she recovered from Cholangiocarcinoma, or Bile Duct cancer. Michelle was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in December 2008 and passed away on July 6, 2010. This page remains as a memorial to the strength and courage of this amazing woman.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Good News

I have been off all pain medication for almost a week and a half. What a difference. I have more energy and am feeling better. I still get tired going up and down the stairs, but it is getting better. We had a beautiful weekend here. It was in the seventies. I sat out in the yard for a little bit on Sunday. It was so peaceful sitting there listening to the birds and having a nice warm breeze blowing. Then Monday we had a high of 40 degrees with strong winds and snow predicted. What a change.

Another sign of healing. I am wearing jeans. I have spent the last 4 1/2 months in sweat pants.

We had an awesome prayer circle on Monday night. The parents of our friend Jill are visiting from Ohio. Her dad is a 15 year cholangiocarcinoma survivor, which is the same cancer I have. He came to the prayer circle last night and described the healing and peace he experienced through Jesus Christ.

Jill playing the keyboard and Bob on his guitar rocked the living room with song. It was wonderful. I love singing. Cindi led the Polarity Circle. I laid on a massage table with different prayer group members laying hands on me sharing their energy while praying my intentions to God. My prayers were for continued healing and thanksgiving for all of the healing I have experienced. The experience is energizing.

Please keep my Mother in your prayers. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 1999. After being cancer free for 6 years, in 2005 she had a recurrence. She has been doing chemotherapy on and off the last 4 years. For the last 5 months she has been doing the same chemotherapy drug that I am on. She had a CT scan last week and saw the doctor today. Her tumors are growing and this chemotherapy drug isn't working. The doctor recommended checking on a clinical trial, but didn't have good news about trying another drug. Her name is Sharon Beyer.

Have a blessed and peace-filled week.
Michelle & Bill

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