On Monday we had a very spiritual prayer circle. We did some visualization around lights and healing. It was a small, but powerful group. The next prayer circle is scheduled for Monday, December 7th at 6:30 at Karen Lowe's house. All are welcome. Let me know if you need the address.
Wednesday was another day of visualization. Bill and I met with Dr. Brandon, our psychologist. He did a visualization with Bill and me around lights and healing. It was another powerful experience for me.
On Thursday Bill and I went down to Denver to the University of Colorado Medical Center for another ERCP to replace my stents. Come to find out the strictures (or narrowing) of the hepatic ducts are basically gone and they don't need to put stents back in. The purpose of the stents is to allow bile and stones to flow through the hepatic ducts and common bile ducts into the duodenum. The strictures or narrowings were causing these ducts to become blocked so the stents were needed. It has been a year since they started putting the stents in and now they don't need them. That is good news.
The doctor has been watching my white blood counts. If they stay high enough, I will be able to receive my chemotherapy on Tuesday as planned. Please pray that the blood counts are high enough to receive chemo.
Have a great week.